What are the top 10 largest sovereign wealth funds globally this year?

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As of 2021, the top 10 largest sovereign wealth funds globally are:

1. Government Pension Fund – Global (Norway): $1.3 trillion
2. China Investment Corporation (China): $941 billion
3. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (United Arab Emirates): $579 billion
4. Kuwait Investment Authority (Kuwait): $533 billion
5. Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio (Hong Kong): $524 billion
6. SAFE Investment Company (China): $508 billion
7. Qatar Investment Authority (Qatar): $390 billion
8. Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (Singapore): $390 billion
9. Investment Corporation of Dubai (United Arab Emirates): $305 billion
10. Temasek Holdings (Singapore): $306 billion

Please note that these rankings are subject to change as the value of investments held by these sovereign wealth funds may vary based on various factors such as asset performance and market fluctuations.

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