Which are the top 10 largest infrastructure projects launched this year?

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As an AI language model, I can provide information about some of the largest infrastructure projects launched in recent times, but I don’t have real-time data or information specific to this year. However, I can give you a list of 10 significant infrastructure projects that have been announced or underway globally. Please note that this data may not include projects launched in the current year. Here are 10 large infrastructure projects:

1. High-Speed 2 (HS2), United Kingdom: A high-speed railway project connecting London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds.
2. Crossrail (Elizabeth Line), United Kingdom: A railway project aimed at connecting east and west London, expanding the transportation network in the city.
3. Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, Ethiopia: One of Africa’s largest infrastructure projects, a hydroelectric dam on the Blue Nile River.
4. Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, China: A bridge-tunnel system that links Hong Kong, Zhuhai, and Macau, facilitating transportation between these areas.
5. Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), Turkey: A pipeline transporting natural gas from Azerbaijan through Turkey to Europe, enhancing energy supply routes.
6. California High-Speed Rail, United States: A high-speed rail project connecting major cities in California, eventually linking San Francisco and Los Angeles.
7. Beijing Daxing International Airport, China: A new international airport built in Beijing, designed to become one of the world’s busiest airports.
8. Cairo Metro Line 4, Egypt: A subway line in Cairo, Egypt, aimed at relieving congestion on the city’s existing transportation network.
9. Mumbai Coastal Road, India: A coastal freeway project in Mumbai, India, intended to decongest the city’s traffic along the western coast.
10. Melbourne Metro Tunnel, Australia: A rail tunnel project in Melbourne, Australia, aiming to increase capacity and improve the city’s transportation system.

Please keep in mind that this list may not include the most recent, large-scale infrastructure projects launched in any specific year.

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