Which are the top 10 startups that went public this year?

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As an AI language model, I cannot provide real-time information. However, I can provide you with a list of notable startups that have gone public in recent years. To find out the top 10 startups that went public this year, I recommend checking reputable financial news sources or conducting an internet search for the most current information. Some examples of notable startups that have gone public in recent years include:

1. Airbnb
2. Snowflake
3. DoorDash
4. Palantir Technologies
5. Asana
6. Unity Software
7. Lemonade
8. JFrog
9. GoodRx
10. Affirm

Please note that this list may not include the most recent IPOs as it is not up to date. Make sure to verify with reliable sources for the most current information.

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