What are the top 10 most significant mergers in the media industry this year?

As an AI language model, my knowledge is based on what has been reported up until September 2021. Here are some prominent mergers and acquisitions in the media industry that have taken place this year: 1. Discovery, Inc. and WarnerMedia: Discovery and WarnerMedia agreed to merge their businesses to form a new media company called […]

Which are the top 10 multinational corporations that have paid the most in taxes this year?

As an AI language model, I don’t have access to real-time data. The ranking of multinational corporations that pay the most taxes can change annually and requires access to up-to-date financial reports and tax filings, which are not readily available to me. However, I can provide you with a list of some of the largest […]

What are the top 10 largest sovereign wealth funds globally this year?

As of 2021, the top 10 largest sovereign wealth funds globally are: 1. Government Pension Fund – Global (Norway): $1.3 trillion 2. China Investment Corporation (China): $941 billion 3. Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (United Arab Emirates): $579 billion 4. Kuwait Investment Authority (Kuwait): $533 billion 5. Hong Kong Monetary Authority Investment Portfolio (Hong Kong): $524 […]

What are the top 10 business sectors that have adopted AI technologies the most this year?

The top 10 business sectors that have adopted AI technologies the most this year are: 1. Healthcare and medicine: AI is used in medical diagnosis, drug development, patient monitoring, and personalized healthcare. 2. Finance and banking: AI is applied for fraud detection, risk assessment, algorithmic trading, and customer service. 3. Retail and e-commerce: AI powers […]